Distance Education in Coimbatore

Professional MBA Courses, PG Courses, UG Courses


  • 30+ Years of Excellent Service
  • 2 Branches in Coimbatore
  • Instant Online Admissions
  • Pay Course Fee through Online
  • Bharathidasan University Courses
  • Bharathiar University Courses
  • Alagappa University Courses

2024 Admissions Open Now : Download Applications

Registration Form

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Courses Offered

Best Distance Education Institute in Coimbatore

Our Facilities

Online Admissions

Students can download the application form, fill it out and scan then send a copy to us.

Ease of Access

Ease of access to students based in different locations across Coimbatore.


PCP & VIRTUAL Classes are conducted by qualified faculties at several colleges.

Excellent Infra

We provide a highly acclaimed infrastructure with a computer lab facility.

Our Institutes


Sethupathi Institute
No:2, Pykara Office Road,
(Bus Stop: Power House, TNEB Main Office Back Side), Tatabad,
Coimbatore - 641012
 +91 98430 44480
+91 98433 58883


Senthur Institute
No:16, First Floor, Kothari Mill Lane,
Trichy Road, (Kothari Mill Bus Stop),
Coimbatore, 641 005
+91 97862 40059
+91 97860 05911

Years of Excellence

MBA, MCA, PG & UG Courses

Institutes in Coimbatore

Students Graduated

About Sethupathi Institute

Sethupathi Institute of Higher Studies, Coimbatore has provided thirty years of trusted and reliable service in the field of Education. In time, the institute conducted various distance education programmes for several prominent universities. It continues to do so today, maintaining a consistently excellent quality of service.


Bharathidasan University
Call – +91 90878 77511

Bharathiar University
Call – +91 95855 49050

Alagappa University*
Call – +91 97860 05911

Online Admission Procedures

Download application form

Download the respective university application form from our website.


Fill & scan the application form

The application form should be filled with accurate details (Only in Caps) and Scan the application form. 

scan & send the original documents & application form

The scanned application form and the original scanned documents mentioned above should be sent to our E-mail.

Pay Course Fees through online

The course fees details and payment mode will be shared with the student. The student can complete the payment.

GEt study materials at your door step

Once the fee payment is done, Students will receive all the course study materials to their registered address.